Friday, June 24, 2011

me casa es su casa

hey everybody this is my new house!


  1. Micah! I like the kitchen - updated appliances. I can't believe you took the old, plastic entertainment center (pete's old one) across the country. I saw it briefly in your room. glad it is being put to use. I don't even know if he was the original owner because he had it before we started dating so it's at least 8 years old. also, love the music space, great idea

  2. Sweet place! Towards the end I thought I was watching the Blair Witch Project, but it was good!

  3. Fun tour of the new place, though I must say I'm experiencing a bit of motion sickness! We miss your face.

  4. I am with Jen on the motion sickness... and I WILL STEAL IT! It would look better at my house. :)
