Thursday, December 22, 2011

the seventh and most awesome month of christmas...July!

i pretty much love this month.
here's some of the stuff that made it awesome this year. 
brad paisley, blake sheldon, josh thompson, josh kelley. 
here are a few fans
and here are a few more

there's not much that can match a good old fashioned country
music fest in the summer. and they sell bud light in the
metal bottles! heyo!
this is a picture of my birthday cake
(special thanks to baker)
i would have gotten a picture of the whole thing,
but i was so excited i got this far into it before i even gave a
thought to pictures. i promptly ate the rest of it...
fireworks at the white house!
the 4th this year was pretty good. i got fireworks. i got to ride
my bike down to see them. i got to enjoy them with friends...
so funny story. since fireworks are banned in montgomory county...
along with fires, and flying the american flag, (i think it might be
communist...maybe) anyway, i decided to have some of my own.
actually i had just made the most perfect brownies you've ever
tasted. then i was going to make something else and turned on
the burner...which happened to be the one under the brownie pan.
big mistake. i was sitting on my couch waiting for the pan to heat up
when my brownies, along with the pan, exploded all over the kitchen.
it sounded like a gun and there was burnt brownie matter all over.

this has nothing to do with much of anything but i figured you all
might like to know some of the nothings that happen in my life too.

mostly i was sad that i lost the most perfect brownies i'd ever made.
and i guess the pan blowing
up was a bummer too.
it was a good'n 
i took a trip to NC to see a couple army buddies there and took
a quick trip to the us army airborne and special operations museum.

funny cause its true...
so what does this have to do with anything?
well this was a wedding dress made from a paratrooper's
chute that he jumped on d-day into normandy. he carried it
for who knows how long until they had post set up and was
able to send it home. kinda cool huh?

here's a pic of some engineers before jumping into normandy.
war paint...
a bulldozer! cause only real men bring a bulldozer to jump out
of airplanes into battle.

crazy engineers...
me and the kidos at bele chere
classic a-town music. and yes that guy is playing the saw with
a violin bow

uncle ryan's friend mark hooked us up big time!
a jeti hat! a jeti lightsaber! a jeti lightsaber belt and holder!
may the force be with him
nobody escapes this jeti

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